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private workshops

DIY structured programs + private sessions

I understand that longterm private work is a significant investment...

and I'm committed to doing everything I can to help you achieve your own version of success in whatever area I'm capable of supporting you in. 

That's why I created the Women Can Heal Workshops.


If you're interested in working together but not ready to invest at the long term level just yet, workshops are a wonderful option offered them at a fraction of the price with flexible payment plans.

​Inside my workshops you'll have access an online course and private sessions me. 


Pricing for workshops starts at $997 and flexible payment plans are available. If you're not able to start at this investment I encourage you to explore my digital shop for offerings that may be more accessible to you at this time. Scroll down to learn more and if you're ready submit an inquiry to sign up for a workshop.

explore the workshops



Walk the Path of Healthy Relationships & Inner Peace

A gentle, yet honest 1:1 workshop designed for women who struggle to stay emotionally mature in their love lives to get the education and practice to grow emotionally and the tools to build or rebuild and emotionally mature relationship.

In this 8 week private workshop:​​

  • Begin your journey with a comprehensive study of "Girl Consciousness" and Emotional Immaturity and awaken to a new, more empowered and fulfilling way to live and love.

  • Align to the frequency of Emotional Maturity and understand the elements and characteristics of "The Embodied Woman".

  • Set your big vision for change and transformation

  • Create a unique emotional safety plan and set up emotional growth practices for ongoing embodiment of emotional maturity and True Womanhood.​

Ideal for: single or partnered women who struggle repeating the same emotionally immature behaviors in their relationships



From Pain to Power

A transformational 1:1 workshop designed for women who are healing from heartbreak to rewrite negative beliefs systems and clear emotional residue and transform their pain to useable personal power.

In this 8 week private workshop:


  • Journey into the pain, power and freedom of heartbreak

  • (Re)connect with your Innate Goodness, that part of you that is fully happy, whole and complete

  • Identify the limiting beliefs you're operating from and their sources

  • Participate in forgiveness work and let go of grudges and emotional residue once and for all

  • Find meaning and purpose in the challenges you've had and appreciate the rich experiences of your life

Ideal for: women recently broken up, divorced, childhood wounding or any other emotional pain you want to be free of

Image by Vince Fleming


Date & Relate Intentionally

An intentional 1:1 workshop designed for women who struggle with repeating the same unwanted patterns in love and helps them discover the Visions, Values and Goals for their love life

In this 8 week private workshop:


  • Uncover your patterns of love and finally understand the deeper truth underneath your dating and relationship struggles so you put your self-sabotaging behaviors to rest once and for all.

  • Discover your blocks to love in past relationships, process any leftover grief and implement tools to remove those blocks so you can find and create new and better relationships.

  • Get in full alignment with a new and authentic way of being in your relationships.

  • Execute an effective dating and relationship strategy so you can show up confidently and easily determine the healthiest people to engage with.

Ideal for: single women ready to date

What Date With Depth Graduates

Are Saying...

"I needed to course correct after a toxic relationship...."

"My relationships were short-lived and unfulfilling..."


An alchemical 1:1 workshop designed for women designed to support women in transforming the lead in their relationship (pain, fear, reactivity and unwanted patterns) to gold (healing, trust, emotional maturity and purpose) using conscious dating practices and relationship recovery tools.


Make Gold In Your Love Life

In this 8 week private workshop:​​​

  • Complete a comprehensive Dating & Relationship Audit​ and gain clarity on your "origin story"

  • Take ownership and be accountable to the ways you've contributed to your the pain and struggle in your love life


  • Understand how feelings, needs and coping strategies work together​

  • Expand your capacity to neutralize reactivity and chose better responses

  • Learn to communicate with power, grace and ease

Ideal for: women in partnership


In this 8 week private program:

  • Examine your life story, understand your influences and let go of what is no longer serving you so that you unleash your power to create a life and relationship that lights you up, inspires you and brings out the very best of who you are.

  • Discover your true passions, interests, talents, skills and gifts so that you feel empowered, confident and worthy of anyone who gets the chance to be with you. 

  • Clear out any limiting beliefs holding you back from being authentically YOU and so that you live in integrity with your higher purpose and who you came here to be.

  • Root into a powerful vision and life purpose so that you align your love life with the future you’re committed to creating.

Ideal for: everyone

An intimate 1:1  workshop designed to help women who struggle with self-worth and direction in life understand their history,  clarify their life purpose and raise their self-esteem making them ready for and fully available to the love and life they want


The Remembrance

What WORTH Graduates Are Saying...

"What really surprised me was that she was so intuitive..."


As a private workshop client you will receive:


  • 4 Private Sessions over 8-weeks


  • A Digital Course that corresponds to your private program for additional structure and and support between private sessions

  • A Transformational Workbook to guide you through the content of the workshop, help you dig deeper and give you the opportunity to apply our work between sessions​ ​

Are you ready for a breakthrough?

Submit your inquiry

to sign up for a private workshop

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